LIKE GRANDMUM, LIKE GRANDSON by Steve Eskew I’m becoming my great grandmother. Not exactly a dream come true for a strapping macho man of my merit, now is it? Can I help it if I’m so dadgum impressionable? Here’s how I arrived at that conclusion: I remembered that I had warned readers once about learning the hard way, like I did, against making faces at humorless authoritarian soreheads like bartenders, cops and judges. I inherited my face-making penchant in pure honesty, I tell ya. And from the least likely of all people — from me mostly sweet great grandmum. In her reckless but totally sober 20s, she made faces at neighbors, fellow shoppers and even PTA members who riled her. Be advised, Grand was no looney tune. She simply snapped when people stared at her, while wearing condescending expressions on their faces. “Instead of smacking someone, I made faces at them,” she said. In retrospect, Grand confessed to regretting what she later labeled as “tacky overreactions.” She explai...
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